Tuesday, November 18, 2008


got the recipe from a book i borrowed from library.. making the 'dough' took 5mins, baking 12-14mins..

Easy Scones

2C flour, 1t baking powder, 1t salt (i never put salt cos used salted butter)
4 oz COLD butter
2/3C milk

Mix butter n flour till resemble breadcrumb. Mix in milk to form soft dough (dont need to use all the milk). Dont overmix. If using cookie cutter, roll out 2" thick n cut with cutter.

I used ice-cream scoop to drop onto cookie sheet to bake, so added in abit more milk n just stirred the whole thing together.

Brush with milk or butter before baking.

Bake 200C for 12-14mins till browned.

**serve hot with jam & butter**